Ocean Diversity by Lyla Paakkanen

Environment Prints
Proceeds Support:
Sunrise Movement

Proceeds support Sunrise Movement, a growing army of young people dedicate to making climate change an urgent priority across America, ending the corrupting influence of fossil fuel executives on our politics, and electing leaders who stand up for the health and well-being of all people. Learn more about the project here.

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Design By: Lyla Paakkanen
Lyla Paakkanen

Lyla Paakkanen lives in Sacramento, where the Pony Express ended its route. She is a freelance artist and illustrator, has a Master’s Degree in Art from CSUN, Communications Design from UCLA. She taught art at 5 colleges and has won many awards in California and Colorado for her work.


Design By: Lyla Paakkanen
Lyla Paakkanen

Lyla Paakkanen lives in Sacramento, where the Pony Express ended its route. She is a freelance artist and illustrator, has a Master’s Degree in Art from CSUN, Communications Design from UCLA. She taught art at 5 colleges and has won many awards in California and Colorado for her work.


Artist Statement

As the climate warms, so do the oceans. The migrating whales have started their journey earlier and closer to the coastline, there are fewer salmon returning to span, fewer crab, shellfish and some species of fish are endangered of disappearing altogether! But the oceans cover most of the earth and influences all living things, not just the one that inhabit the water. Besides providing food, the oceans act as thermostats, hold moisture exchange across the planet, absorbs carbon dioxide, helps to neutralize harmful chemical agents and many other benefits to the planet. Today nature is suffering accelerating losses so great that many scientists say a sixth mass extinction is underway. Unlike past mass extinctions, this event is driven by human actions that are dismantling and disrupting natural ecosystems and changing Earth’s climate. In a new study titled “A Global Deal for Nature,” led by conservation biologist and strategist Eric Dinerstein, 17 colleagues and they lay out a road map for simultaneously averting a sixth mass extinction and reducing climate change. A growing number of conservation scientists and environmental leaders now support calls for a Global Deal for Nature (GDN) as a companion to the Paris Climate Agreement to tackle the two major crises of biodiversity loss and climate change. The Global Deal for Nature paper is the first effort to establish conservation targets for the entire planet – across terrestrial, freshwater, and marine realms — achieving a milestone of 30% by 2030, supplemented by new Climate Stabilization Areas (CSAs). Based on this research, a digital petition on globaldealfornature.org was launched by One Earth, an initiative of the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, with Avaaz, RESOLVE, National Geographic Society, and civil society groups calling for the protection of half of the Earth to avert ecological disaster. - Lyla Paakkanen