$ 24.99
Artist StatementThe space shuttle Discovery was first launched in 1984, I took color inspiration from this era. The orange highlight was taken from the iconic orange jumpsuit worn by shuttle...
$ 24.99
Artist StatementI chose Apollo 8 because it was the first human manned spacecraft to leave Earth's orbit. I stuck with the same incorporation of the figure-8 slingshot to illustrate the...
$ 24.99
Artist StatementI think space is super cool. Growing up post moon landing, it seemed like there wasn't as much going on with space exploration. Sure, there was the launch of...
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Artist StatementI chose to illustrate this mission patch firstly because they named the spacecraft DRAGON! Secondly because I believe the continued development of private enterprises into space will help propel...
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Artist StatementI chose the Sputnik 2 mission as it featured Laika, the first animal to orbit the Earth. — Christopher Williams
$ 24.99
Artist StatementI chose to create a patch for the Juno space mission mostly because it was the most recent mission to launch where I felt like I was witnessing a...
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Artist StatementYears ago, when the New Horizons mission first launched, Pluto was still a planet and I was in the sixth grade. I remember choosing this mission to do a...
$ 24.99
"An astounding and audacious technological mission of over 3 billion miles through space to encounter our dwarf planet Pluto and explore the Kuiper Belt beyond." -Brixton Brixton Doyle is an...