$ 39.99
Artist Statement This piece was based on a few posters and murals from the WPA and New Deal programs in the 30's. I tried to emulate the styles of Eyvind...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement I was intrigued by the idea of an interwoven root system that represented the power of working together. The aspect of this prompt that really resonated with me...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is becoming one of my favorite political heroes. She is synonymous with the Green New Deal. I for one am very grateful that she is...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement Earth’s biodiversity isn’t just beautiful, it ensures human survival. Every day I fear how much will be lost if we do not take major measures now to stop...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement I live in Texas, which has always been all about oil companies and fossil fuels. Seeing solar panels popping up on rooftops in my neighborhood, and wind farms...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement I think it's important for Americans to understand that turning our country towards a future that embraces renewable energy sources and care for the environment is truly the...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement With this image I tried to capture the idea of making our ever-growing society more in-tune with the world and nature. Our current habits and way of life...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement In the eyes of the layman, renewable energy solutions are often set aside for their complexity. The simpler ideas of wind and solar however are exciting and easy...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement The Green New Deal offers an opportunity to revisit our actions -big and small- and improve chances for our future. I’ve depicted some of these integral changes, as...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement Inspired by the 'Work Promotes Confidence' poster and typography of the War and Safety WPA campaigns to reflect the urgency of the next 10 years. If we can...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement Protecting and Preserving the Earth we all share and live on is not a partisan issue. It's a life issue. Love your mother! - Courtney Capparelle
$ 39.99
Artist Statement It's overdue. Let’s use 100% renewable, zero-emission energy sources. - Luis Prado
$ 39.99
Artist Statement As an animal lover, seeing how climate change affects them is heartbreaking. These helpless creatures can’t change what’s happening to them, but we can. Legislature like the Green...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement Let's work toward clean air and water, climate and community resiliency, healthy food, access to nature, and a sustainable environment for all. As the Sunrise Movement states it:...
$ 39.99
Artist StatementThis illustration is a conceptual representation of how some contemporary urban environments are working hard going green. In recognition of the "Green New Deal" and it's efforts I have...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement "Green Lantern, Green New Deal" explores the idea of sustainability that's inherent to the Green New Deal. My work is made of cut-up comic books, adhering to the...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement Many have criticized the Green New Deal because it seems impossible, but so many of humanity's greatest accomplishments have started with an impossible idea, and somebody's ardent belief...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement Let's look to the future and get everyone involved—taking care of ourselves and our planet is necessary to our survival. I'm grateful to be envisioning, supporting, and celebrating...
$ 39.99
Artist StatementBernie Sander's authenticity has always been an inspiration. He's just a guy, from Vermont, and he loves these mittens. And he doesn't like having to wait outside in the...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement I wanted to create something that was a call to action to yield green and renewable resources like they are super powers. The image represents going "GREEN" as...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement The people will also rise! - Mister Furious
$ 39.99
Artist Statement I wanted to design something about people coming together to lift up these goals of more widespread clean energy sources and energy efficient infrastructure. They're lofty goals to...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement As a resident of the Earth, we need bold new ideas to help face down climate change - Lorraine Nam
$ 39.99
Artist Statement With this theme there was almost too many ideas to pull from! Ultimately I went with the idea of our three main renewable energies, solar/ wind/ and water,...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement I was very much inspired by the original WPA artwork, and took my visual cues from one of their jobs posters. - Lisa Vollrath
$ 39.99
Artist Statement It's long past time that the destructive and dying fossil fuel industry be replaced by renewables for a cleaner and economically prosperous American future. - Brixton Doyle
$ 39.99
Artist Statement Let's use 100% clean and renewable energy. As the Sunrise Movement states it: 'Wind and solar energy are now cheaper than the polluting oil, gas, and coal of...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement My love of nature and landscapes and wanting to create something inspiring are poured into this design. Working in watercolor and colored pencil, I created a pathway surrounded...
$ 39.99
Artist StatementRepresents: This artwork represents that all of earth's creatures, large & small should have a planet which is healthy, vibrant, alive and free from habitat destroying policy actions. This...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement The Green New Deal is becoming more than just an idea; it's becoming a clear pathway -- in fact the only pathway -- toward course-correcting our nation's policies...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement Green New Deal: Leave It Better Than We Found It Having worked for a green home energy company for about a year I’ve learned a lot about how...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement "This is going to be the New Deal, the Great Society, the moon shot, the civil-rights movement of our generation" -AOC - Justin Morales
$ 39.99
Artist Statement I was inspired by the idea and theme of power. The Green New Deal involves many forms of power like the people empowerment, upward mobility, movement/mobility, and of...
$ 39.99