$ 29.99
Artist Statement When I found out that greyhound racing was finally made illegal in Florida it shocked me to the core that it was still going on in the first...
$ 39.99
Artist StatementMarlon Bundo was always left in a very small cage with awful shavings that are hard on a bunny's respiratory system, barely any hay even though a bunny's diet...
$ 39.99
Artist StatementThe fact that Bernie is a gangster old white man pushing for the working class, POC, green energy, and is an all around badass.....with the fact he's wearing mittens...
$ 39.99
Artist StatementThis was a personal piece I wanted to do for myself, but really had to share the strength it held, balanced off with the peacefulness that the lavender flower...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement In honor of the beautiful colors, artwork, culture, spirituality, and love of the Native Islanders. A portion of each sale will go towards organizations that help native cultures...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement This idea was originally drawn to visually represent the feeling of feeling stuck and heartbroken. The hollow feeling in one?s heart isn?t something easy to overcome. This is...