$ 29.99
Artist Statement This poster series captures many of the things I want to shout (in all caps) every day. So often, we move to fast to think, observe, explore, and...
$ 39.99
Artist StatementU.S. Senator Kamala Harris said “Dude Gotta Go!” during a 2019 event in Vegas. It’s long overdue. Please vote in 2020 and encourage others to vote. - Luis Prado
$ 29.99
Artist Statement With the negativity surrounding El Salvador through U.S. and Mexican news media, we forget that there are women working tirelessly to harvest fruit to sell on the streets....
$ 29.99
Artist StatementIf we don't connect our hearts, minds, and voices to what we see, we're just spectators. — Blair Strong
$ 29.99
Artist Statement This poster series captures many of the things I want to shout (in all caps) every day. So often, we move to fast to think, observe, explore, and...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement Deberíamos de elevar y resistir contra La Migra. Es una industria que está produciendo 1 billion de dólares, al poner a refugiados inocentes en jaulas. El trauma que...
$ 39.99
Artist StatementThis piece is an attempt to further the dialogue between people. When we embrace a mutual respect for each other, our sense of common community grows. An embrace begins...
$ 39.99
Artist StatementHaving love, empathy and care at the core of decision making will help us all move forward towards a better future. - JP Designs
$ 39.99
Artist StatementAs part of the Biden Digital Coalition, a volunteer creative group which works on getting out the vote for the Biden-Harris ticket, I wanted to express the importance of...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement In recent times, divisive speech has become far too common. I was looking for ideas on a positive design when I saw an image of New Zealand's Prime...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementI turn ordinary watercolor blots into imaginative art. This unicorn was made using a few lines and an assortment of random watercolor blots. — Natalie Dobson
$ 29.99
Artist StatementAmy Smith is a self-educated contemporary artist. Born in New Jersey, but not built for the cold, she moved to Los Angeles where she found inspiration, mentors, and support...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement This patriotic phrase came to mind and I immediately had a vision for how to represent how divisive our nation has become. Simple typography speaks volumes. - Lynne...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement America shows a facade of freedom and justice with our many statues and symbols. When it comes to delivering the promise, we fall very short. Dreamers, refugees, and...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement This piece was inspired by the current inhuman treatment of the refugee families, that have been separated by the 1 billion dollar industry known as I.C.E. We should...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement This poster series captures many of the things I want to shout (in all caps) every day. So often, we move to fast to think, observe, explore, and...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement This poster series captures many of the things I want to shout (in all caps) every day. So often, we move to fast to think, observe, explore, and...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement This poster series captures many of the things I want to shout (in all caps) every day. So often, we move to fast to think, observe, explore, and...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement El Salvador was once known as Cuzcatlán, home to the Pipil. They are a people who have endured volcanoes, the Conquest, the 1932 Peasant Massacre, and the 1980...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement Resist. This word applies to everyone that is being discriminated against by this administration. It applies to immigrant rights, LGBTQ rights and women's rights. It applies to the...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement The message in this piece is clear: Abolish Ice. The Native woman represents our ancestors who were warriors and healers. The Cactus represents resilience, and like the cacti...