$ 1.25 $ 4.99
Artist Statement To fight for equality means you have to value the lives of the people first. We are living in a kleptocracy where our government and corporations care more...
$ 1.25 $ 4.99
Artist Statement Fact: If we wear masks we can cut spread by up to 75%. Please be compassionate and respectful towards others. Wearing a mask means that you love and...
$ 7.50 $ 14.99
The quote on the soles of our Harriet Tubman crew socks reads, "'Always remember you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars and...
$ 5.00 $ 9.99
Artist Statement For the design of the pin, I was really inspired by Alexandria’s ‘by the people, for the people, about the people’ attitude. It takes a team to change...