$ 24.99
Artist StatementIn honor of Apollo I and all the moon missions (SA500’s) the Saturn “Five” rocket was launched 13 times from Cape Canaveral and remains the tallest (363 ft.) and...
$ 19.99
Artist Statement"Rather than be seen as a threat, I wanted to portray the wolf as majestic - howling at the moon from a ledge above the mountains, calling out to...
$ 39.99
Artist StatementI have always liked wolves. Let\'s make sure federal protections are not taken away. — Luis Prado
$ 1.99
Artist Statement I actually have this old notebook where I write favorite quotes from books I read and I have like 12 pages filled with favorite P&P quotes. It’s my...
$ 1.99
Artist Statement “I try all things, I achieve what I can.” ― Herman Melville, Moby-Dick, or, the Whale
$ 29.99
Artist StatementI wanted to add wonder and excitement and a bit of chaos to the cover, much like you will find in the story itself. — Don Dauphinee
$ 29.99
Brixton is a designer, illustrator and teacher based in New York. Recovering the Classics is a crowdsourced collection of original covers for 50 of the greatest works of fiction in...
$ 29.99
Originally from the south of England, Darrell Stevens moved to the US in 2006, and has been working professionally in Graphic Design since 1995. Now self-employed, Darrell lives in Buffalo,...
$ 5.99
Artist Statement"Concentric, unfolding Buckminster Fuller spheres [the futurist architect born two months prior to the books\' publishing in 1895] create the Time Machine from H.G. Wells first novel about competing...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementConcentric, unfolding Buckminster Fuller spheres [the futurist architect born two months prior to the books' publishing in 1895] create the Time Machine from H.G. Wells first novel about competing...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementWith this cover, I wanted to convey the mystery and danger of the jungle, while also representing the lighter tones that many people think of when they see "The...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementI noticed that a lot of the covers for the Arabian Nights focuses on the magic and fantasy of the tales. Though I love these elements I wanted to...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementWith this cover I really just tried to boil down the book into a very simple graphic. Hope you like. — Jon Cain
$ 29.99
Roberto is a brazilian illustrator and graphic designer. He loves books, movies, and 2D Animation. Recovering the Classics is a crowdsourced collection of original covers for 50 of the greatest...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement This poster series captures many of the things I want to shout (in all caps) every day. So often, we move to fast to think, observe, explore, and...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementThe tea party has always been my favorite scene in Alice. I wanted to incorporate a bright, colorful image and text that would grab the imaginations of a new...
$ 24.99
Artist StatementNASA's mission to Jupiter's alien ocean moon. Europa Lander is a proposed spacecraft concept for a lander for Jupiter's moon Europa. The main science goals are to search for...
$ 24.99
Artist StatementNASA's Europa Clipper mission to Jupiter's alien ocean moon is a spacecraft in development. Planned for launch in the 2020's it will orbit around Jupiter and make several fly-bys...
$ 24.99
Artist Statement“When choosing a Space Mission I immediately wanted to do one involving animals. Despite being a vegetarian, and decidedly against animal testing, I find the stories of these first...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement When I found out that greyhound racing was finally made illegal in Florida it shocked me to the core that it was still going on in the first...
$ 39.99
Artist StatementWolves play a key role in keeping ecosystems healthy. They help keep deer and elk populations in check, which can benefit many other plant and animal species. The carcasses...
$ 39.99
Artist StatementThe image of a wolf howling is considered so fearsome, and the sound itself truly is, but I wanted to represent one of the not-so-spooky reasons wolves will vocalize...
$ 39.99
Artist StatementMy future is in human hands — Todd Gilloon
$ 3.99
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a work of fiction by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
$ 29.99
Artist Statement This book cover work represents the circle of life with its stages of birth to death, day to night, the elements of earth, fire, water and wind as...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement Modern feminism blossomed during the Jazz age with more liberated roles in society. I wanted to capture the essence of the political, social and sexual power the golden...
$ 1.99
Artist Statement I grew up with this story, and something that always intrigued me was the mystery of the garden. I loved imagining what was behind the door, and that...
$ 1.99
Artist Statement A colorful cover for a great classic! — Roberlan Borges
$ 1.99
Artist Statement It was about 1961 when I was 10 years old. I actually couldn't read that book, but I was stunned by the illustration ( DQ and The Windmill)...
$ 12.99
Artist Statement While looking up reference imagery, I discovered that most pre-existing covers for The Legend of Sleepy Hollow depict the headless horseman in a dramatic chase. In order to...
$ 12.99
Artist Statement The cover I have created is for the book "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame. I have taken a more modernized approach to the design by...
$ 12.99
Artist Statement Anne Elliott is young and people tries to persuade her about a good marriage. She doesn't give attention to them. She lost her mother and is just concerned...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementI really love this book! Sherlock Holmes smokes a lot, and his beret and tabacco pipe becomes a symbol of him. I made this with Photoshop CC. — Paula...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement 'I am Oz, the Great and Terrible,' spoke the Beast, in a voice that was one great roar. Who are you, and why do you seek me?' L....
$ 7.99
Artist Statement"I grew up with this story, and something that always intrigued me was the mystery of the garden. I loved imagining what was behind the door, and that sense...
$ 7.99
Artist Statement"I've always been a fan of minimalistic, but bold book covers. The War of the Worlds was a prefect book for that kind of style. " - Kjell-Roger RingstadKjell-Roger...