LGBT American Flag Sticker by Jackie Lay

Fun Goods

Stickers make everything more fun, and we think you'll agree! Our easy-to-peel sticker collection is growing fast and quickly becoming one of our most popular items. The multi-purpose backing allows the stickers to be placed on anything from cars to notebooks, and can be easily removed and re-stuck anywhere. Perfect for kids of all ages, they make great stocking stuffers and gift bag items. With a matte finish and weather resistant vinyl laminate, our stickers make great bumper stickers and window stickers, too!

Proceeds Support:
Proceeds support Courage Campaign, an online community powered by more than one million members, instrumental in the fight for marriage equality.

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Design By: Jackie Lay
Jackie Lay Jackie Lay is a designer, illustrator and animator, specializing in short editorial animations.
Design By: Jackie Lay
Jackie Lay Jackie Lay is a designer, illustrator and animator, specializing in short editorial animations.
Artist Statement

Because America belongs to all of us. — Jackie Lay