$ 24.99
Artist StatementThis Vote the Environment poster was hand drawn by Bri Davey and inspired by the forests of the Pacific Northwest. — Bri Davey
$ 24.99
Artist StatementThis piece is about our need for resources. I hope people can rethink the way we take from the earth. Quench: to satisfy as well as extinguish or put...
$ 24.99
Artist StatementWe need stronger legislation to keep our waters clean, drinkable and livable for wildlife. — E. Michelle Peterson
$ 24.99
Artist Statementrad — lorenzo angel
$ 24.99
Artist StatementThis is a digitized version of a watercolor painting I did of a dead bee at Wave Hill, an arboretum and cultural center in The Bronx, New York. —...
$ 24.99
Each poster is hand-printed and handled, to make sure that only the highest quality is offered and sent out. The matte paper and high quality of inks make for a...
$ 24.99
Luis is an Argentine-born graphic designer and advertising freelancer. He is passionate about visual communications and coffee. Each poster is hand-printed and handled, to make sure that only the...
$ 24.99
Artist StatementA one word twist on JFK's amazing inaugural address. A big key to reversing climate change requires us to stop phrasing it as a problem encompassed by borders. We...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementThích Nhất Hạnh said: “I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on Earth. Every day we are...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementIn this image I tried to personify the Earth in an attempt to make a point that we share with it similar systems- water (blood), air (breath) and soil...
$ 24.99
Artist StatementPaper-cut shapes and letters spell out in bold the important message: Vote the Environment! — Shan James
$ 24.99
Artist StatementA bold call to action, with a color spectrum symbolizing a landscape within the type. — Chris Griggs
$ 29.99
Artist Statement it is a proven fact that lighter surfaces within our urban environments will decrease climate temperatures if implemented on a global scale. urban environments are significantly warmer than...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementA call to authorities to end air pollution. Fossil fuel burning is a main cause of disease and death in humans, and damage to other living organisms. According to...
$ 24.99
Artist StatementA wooden man and a group of critters float downstream, will they go over the falls? Just don't know do we? — Jeff Petersen
$ 24.99
Artist StatementEven in my immediate area, we've noticed the lack of bees this year as fruits and vegetables go unpollinated. — Alyssa Winans
$ 24.99
"We need to spend more time appreciating the diversity and beauty of our environment for it is truly astounding and has much to offer us.” -Kim Kim Findlay is...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementPlanting trees!!! S.O.S — Elena Ospina
$ 24.99
Artist StatementFrom even when I was a kid, it seemed that the state of our oceans and overfishing were large concerns that grow more and more relevant with each passing...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementPlease see former submission — Nicole Barr
$ 24.99
Artist StatementWe share the earth with so many other species who now depend on us fixing our wasteful, destructive habits. If we only looked to see how the world's natural...
$ 24.99
David is an urban illustrator, born and rised in Quito, Ecuador. He moved to the US in 2003. Each poster is hand-printed and handled, to make sure that only...
$ 24.99
Artist StatementA simple call to raise our voices and look after the only home we have. — Alyssa Winans
$ 24.99
Artist StatementI wanted to bring the harsh realities of the direction our earth is heading to light in a way that everyone could relate to. — Nicholas O'Mara
$ 24.99
Artist StatementYou have one vote and we have one environment. Land, Water and Sky work together to create a surreal landscape. Letâs work together to protect it because nature creates...
$ 24.99
Artist StatementA simple logo using Univers typeface with an iconic tree. — Andrew Lynne
$ 24.99
Artist StatementWe all share one planet. We can work together by making our voices heard at election time in regard to it's welfare. — E. Michelle Peterson
$ 34.99
Artist StatementONE HEART, ONE PLANET! WE STILL CAN SAVE IT! — alexandre rola
$ 24.99
Artist StatementAn obvious twist on a voting booth, where the voter is on the stump voicing -- by vote -- his support of environmental issues. — Betsy
$ 24.99
Artist StatementPen and ink nib pen drawing of how our pollution affects all of life. — Trey Everett
$ 29.99
"Somewhere along the way, change got a bad rap. But we must embrace it. We're too dependent on unrenewable resources, and if we keep carrying on the way we are,...
$ 24.99
Artist StatementThe ocean is the giver of life. — Peter
$ 29.99
Artist StatementI made a piece about the ocean its water quality, showing a shark/jellyfish in the water with trash. When I think about the planet I think about the lives...
$ 24.99
Artist StatementThe ocean animals theme expresses that the ocean could use the most help environmentally. The killer whale represents that even the strongest of animals need help. The seahorses are...
$ 24.99
Artist StatementNature tells us a lot, we just need to listen. — Ben Johnson
$ 24.99
Artist StatementIt is a job that involves combining shapes with beautiful nature around us and unfortunately our actions are destroying. — nerm05