$ 39.99
Artist StatementThere are a few friends in my life who unconditionally have my back regardless of situation/circumstance. They are loyal-like-family; friends who will honor, defend, and sacrifice for \"the pack\"...
$ 39.99
Artist StatementThe Mexican Gray Wolf is highly endangered, with only about 100 individuals living in the wild. — Anthony Chiffolo
$ 39.99
Artist StatementNative to the southwestern U.S. and northern Mexico, the Mexican gray wolf is an extremely endangered species, with only about 100 living in the wild today. — Anthony Chiffolo
$ 39.99
Artist StatementThis is Atka, an ambassador wolf at the Wolf Conservation Center in South Salem, NY. — Anthony Chiffolo
$ 39.99
Artist StatementWolves spark intense emotions. They are revered as symbols of wildness, worshipped as the spirits of nature, idolized as the ultimate social animals. Yet fear and hatred of wolves,...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement... — Emily Kelley
$ 39.99
Artist Statement... — Candy Medusa
$ 39.99
Artist StatementI illustrated an American traditional, tattooed hand to show our connection to the wolf. — Jeff Walters
$ 39.99
Artist StatementBlah Blah — Darrell Stevens
$ 31.99 $ 39.99
Artist Statement... — Genevieve Esson
$ 39.99
Artist StatementMy artwork is dedicated to animals, wildlife and creatures we share our planet. Wolves are a key species that is in peril due to ignorance, misrepresentation and greed for...
$ 39.99
Artist StatementThis is Atka, an ambassador wolf at the Wolf Conservation Center in South Salem, NY. He is an arctic wolf that loves to play in the snow. — Anthony...
$ 39.99
Artist StatementThis is Atka, an ambassador wolf at the Wolf Conservation Center in South Salem, NY. He is an arctic wolf and just loves the snow! — Anthony Chiffolo
$ 39.99
Artist StatementThis is Alawa, an ambassador wolf at the Wolf Conservation Center in South Salem, NY. She was probably trying to get a treat that was stuck in the tree...
$ 39.99
Artist StatementEven though the arctic circle is shared by 8 different countries, the population of people who live within the frozen circle is less than 4 million total. That is...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement I’m a city gal but I enjoy and cherish the wild places around me. Much of my free time is spent in the mountains, desserts and waters of...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement In honor of the beautiful colors, artwork, culture, spirituality, and love of the Incan people I wanted to introduce my Ancient Peruvian collection. I was so inspired by...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement This poster depicts two people paddling around the rock formations of northern Michigans Pictured Rocks. Inspired by the breathtaking colors and the scale of this area, this design...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement I created this design to support Green Energy and the Green New Deal. I feel like we can all do our part to better take care of our...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement The ocean is one of our most valuable resources, yet we endanger it every day through heavy pollution and practices such as off-shore drilling. - James McInvale
$ 29.99
Artist Statement Its a landscape with gradient color. If we keep destroy our planet everything will be gray and sad. Only the tree can save us from this. - Matteo...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement This idea was originally drawn to visually represent the feeling of feeling stuck and heartbroken. The hollow feeling in one?s heart isn?t something easy to overcome. This is...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement What awesome power nature holds. Gazing upon the vast falls, hearing it's roar and feeling it's spray--one could only imagine what the first people to happen upon this...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement I live in San Francisco, and in 2017 we thought we were having the worst fires in California's recent history. Fast forward one year to 2018, and NOW...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement The idea for this poster is to make people think about the future and what we're going to start missing/lose as time goes on, with clean air being...
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Artist Statement 911 was a significant day in history, not only because of the loss of life, but the loss of trust in our fellow man. - Chris Lozos
$ 29.99
Artist Statement This poster series captures many of the things I want to shout (in all caps) every day. So often, we move to fast to think, observe, explore, and...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement This poster series captures many of the things I want to shout (in all caps) every day. So often, we move to fast to think, observe, explore, and...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement Living on the coast of Maine since 1972, I have seen the fragility of our coastal resources. Islands have special historical, scientific and environmental value. Hurricane Island, a...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement As an artist painting and teaching in the Florida Everglades during winter months for over fifteen years, I have seen the fragility of this unique environment. Only if...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement Living on the coast of Maine since 1972, I have seen the fragility of our coastal resources. It is ever more urgent to understand our human impact on...
$ 29.99
Artist Statement Oceans are an enormous rubbish dump right now. 830 millions of tones of non biodegradable debris: bags, cans, cigarettes, fishing nets... polluting and becoming deadly traps, breaking the...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementI made this piece in light of recent policy changes around immigration and family separation as a reminder that we need to stay united in order to stay strong...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementAn ink and gouache piece highlighting the beauty of our natural world. We need to continue conserving and understanding our fellow living organisms. — Rob Wilkinson