$ 24.99
Artist StatementHow can one stop and smell the flowers if there are none left to smell? — Una Gil
$ 24.99
Artist StatementThe importance of protecting the environment is illustrated in "Earth Collage". I used watercolors to capture the beauty of the earth and it's landscape. Cut-out letters signify the power...
$ 24.99
Artist StatementVote for Environment. Sleek sexy and simple. PLANET EARTH! Illustrator CS6 — Jay Morales
$ 24.99
Artist StatementVision, courage, strength, for environmental salvation ... proudly vote the environment! — Alicia Carman
$ 24.99
Artist StatementHelp protect the bastion of America- the majestic Bald Eagle- through voting for environmental initiatives in the upcoming election season and beyond! — Kelsey Grousbeck
$ 29.99
Artist StatementI chose this drawing because saving the earth is saving animals. This is mother ducks with children thinking of saving the planet. People should think of saving the planet...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementSave energy. Switch off. — Brandon Schaefer
$ 24.99
Artist StatementHand done lettering and illustration create an organic aesthetic that compliments the environmental theme of this campaign. — Gavin
$ 24.99
Each poster is hand-printed and handled, to make sure that only the highest quality is offered and sent out. The matte paper and high quality of inks make for a...
$ 24.99
Artist Statementleopards are graceful, powerful animals that are endangered, blending in with their environment. i wanted to highlight the beauty of nature's camouflage. — misia
$ 29.99
Artist StatementNatasha Kovaleva — Natasha Kovaleva
$ 24.99
Artist StatementThe dandelion of this picture represents the plants and animals on the ground, and the seed of this dandelion represents the votes from people.the tree and the birds represent...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementAn ink and gouache piece highlighting the beauty of our natural world. We need to continue conserving and understanding our fellow living organisms. — Rob Wilkinson
$ 24.99
Artist StatementI like to use elements of collage and drawing that are embedded in layers of varnish, obscuring lines and shapes that tell a story of their past. — Kevin...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementI created this illustration as part of a project which looked at how creative design can help business and the community. Water charges were an on going topic at...
$ 24.99
Artist StatementTo vote the environment is to consider the contexts of place and time. This abstract graphic suggests the multiple contexts of place in which each person, vote, and decision...
$ 29.99
Artist Statementhttp://sdposters.com/ — Joe Scorsone & Alice Drueding
$ 24.99
Artist StatementEVERYONE, across the spectrum needs to "come out" and vote — dwight wanhala
$ 29.99
Artist StatementThis climate change illustration was fun to create! Within this surreal, futuristic depiction of the earth volcanoes, tropical plants and sharks take over. Through each component of our daily...
$ 24.99
Artist StatementA loose interpretation of the iconic Bigfoot pose in the colors of Old Glory. — Scott Petrisko
$ 24.99
Artist StatementPeople can vote to repair the atmosphere of protection. Black sharpie drawing on paper. — James Dupree
$ 24.99
Artist StatementI felt that with the current changes in our worlds environment, a good visual representation of this is a watercolor blot- water is always changing and moving and this...
$ 24.99
Artist StatementOne vote may not seem significant, but it ultimately can lead to the synthesis of change. By voting with the environment in mind, we can inspire change to preserve...
$ 24.99
Artist StatementChange is in our hands, we are responsible for the deterioration of our Mother Earth and we have the opportunity to try to recover the nature,let our hands be...
$ 24.99
Artist StatementThis is a picture of a rainbow trout from the Gallatin River in Montana. The colorless background is really meant to emphasize the natural beauty in these fish. —...
$ 24.99
Artist StatementI wanted to show the Earth from the view of space, because the truth is no matter how far we travel, and how far we come technologically we only...
$ 24.99
Artist StatementA campaign tree calling us to vote! — Ioannis Fetanis
$ 24.99
Artist StatementThe background texture of this poster was created with a photograph of a butterfly wing. It represents my view that we, as humans, create a ripple (or butterfly) effect...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementMy design is a simple illustration depicting a team of bees working together to build their hive. I was inspired by the importance of bees and the integral role...
$ 24.99
Artist StatementWe are killing everything in the ocean. Let's give everything a fighting chance. Change... — Aaron Usiskin
$ 29.99
Artist StatementI wanted to showcase the most popular landmarks of the park such as Thor's Hammer and the Land Bridge within the frame of the mountain lion, which are rare...
$ 24.99
Artist StatementHand-drawn design, vectorized in Photoshop with layered brush strokes. — Brianna Gibbs
$ 29.99
Artist StatementMy piece says "Vote Our Planet" with a spray can that represents expression, so we can all enjoy our planet. — Dylan Nice
$ 24.99
Artist StatementBe bold, take a stand, Vote the Envrionment. — Sheriann Ki Sun Burnham
$ 29.99
Artist StatementCO2 emissions continue to rise due to the burning of fossil fuels and land-use change. We’ll soon reach a boiling point. — Luis Prado
$ 24.99
Ecuadorian Poster Artist born in Ibarra city. The main focus of his work is the Concept, the same one that determines the aesthetics of each proposal, where the technique empowers...