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Artist StatementGreen City Planning - Elizaveta Rusalskaya
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Artist StatementThis was inspired by the original WPA posters in its somewhat limited color scheme, and also by WWII, We Can Do It! posters that showed an excited workforce that...
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Artist Statement Key points of the Green New Deal illustrated on 5 15 x 4' acrylic on canvas banners created for the 2019 Kalamazoo Earth Day Festival. The pieces were...
$ 39.99
Artist Statement The importance of homegrown crops and sustainable farming across American is vital to the future of our infrastructure. - Bryan Bromstrup
$ 39.99
Artist Statement I was inspired by the idea and theme of power. The Green New Deal involves many forms of power like the people empowerment, upward mobility, movement/mobility, and of...
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Artist Statement "This is going to be the New Deal, the Great Society, the moon shot, the civil-rights movement of our generation" -AOC - Justin Morales
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Artist Statement Green New Deal: Leave It Better Than We Found It Having worked for a green home energy company for about a year I’ve learned a lot about how...
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Artist Statement The Green New Deal is becoming more than just an idea; it's becoming a clear pathway -- in fact the only pathway -- toward course-correcting our nation's policies...
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Artist StatementSave a mermaid, save the world! Reduce your waste dumped in the world’s oceans for a cleaner better ocean life. - Bryan Bromstrup
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Artist StatementOur planet needs us! We need to restore what we use and do more for reforestation. - Trevor Messersmith
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Artist StatementVegetarianism is something I have always attempted to commit to, but struggled to pull off. As I became an adult, and relied less on my parent's ability to cater...
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Artist StatementA poster showing the net neutrality using a unusual way of communicating. - Roberlan Paresqui
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Artist StatementI'm inspired by nature, scared for our future, and hopeful that we can still make a difference by supporting people and causes that propose action over theory. I support...
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Artist StatementI was honoured to create this artwork for Friends of the Earth Melbourne, a watercolour interpretation of the collaborative journey to achieve climate justice in Australia. The climate movement...
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Artist StatementFor the past few years I've been living in Falmouth, a little town in the very south-west of England, right on the coast. The chance to explore the coast...
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Artist StatementGreen Transportation - Elizaveta Rusalskaya
$ 39.99
Artist StatementThis piece is focused around the protection of our most vunerable species dealing loss of habitat due to climate change and deforestation. Animals deserve and are entitled to a...
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Artist StatementI wanted my design to represent hope and raise awareness about the future of our forests. Planting a tree is a simple, yet meaningful act that everyone should immitate....
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Artist StatementI've lived in San Francisco for a quarter century and every city administration has promised to solve the challenges of affordable housing and chronic homelessness, but none has been...
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Artist StatementOne of the most important actions that regular folks can take to help support native ecology, help bird and bug populations, and fight climate change is to transform their...
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Artist StatementWe aspire to do things that don't normally regenerate the world around us - bucket lists don't just have to be about flying to exotic locations and consuming unattainable...
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Artist StatementWe tend to think of resolutions as things that we have to do because they're good for us. What about considering things we want to do because they improve...
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Artist StatementPlanting and growing food takes our vote away from the industrial system and towards a more community-minded and resilient network. - Brenna Quinlan
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Artist StatementTo save our planet, our focus needs to change. Priorities need to change. People are loving one type of green and it is ruining our planet. Let's focus on...
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Artist StatementThis image is a stylistic, decorative text with illustrated flowers promoting the Green New Deal. It represents the earth & the living planets that grow on it that need...
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Artist Statement As the Sunrise Movement states, “…let’s make climate change an urgent priority across America, end the corrupting influence of fossil fuel executives on our politics, and elect leaders...
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Artist Statement For our Earth to remain a living, sustaining home for all of the World's creatures, we must be willing caretakers. - Chris Lozos
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Artist Statement The idea is that this is about the future and we need to abandon instant gratification that distracts us - Benjamin James
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Artist Statement The poster design came from the realization that the Green New Deal is really all about healing the earth. So I selected one of my photographs that portrays...
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Artist Statement It seems so obvious that the most powerful and influential nation in the world should lead the charge in restoring and preserving our natural ecosystem for generations to...
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Artist Statement Mixing innate creativity, skill, and opportunity, Ginnie McKnight is sharing her Art with the world and blossoming in the same breath. Her life is a story of perseverance...
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Artist Statement I echo Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's call for a Green New Deal. We should strive for renewable energy sources, protection of the environment, and bringing about an end to...
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Artist Statement After reading up some more about the Green New Deal, I was inspired by the vision it sets forth. Broad changes meant to better society and the environment...
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Artist Statement My watercolor and digital illustration is from the point of view of a person sitting inside an idealized future light rail car. Prominent advertisements summarizing the values of...
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Artist Statement Our country is at a crossroads, and with the Green New Deal we can hope for a better tomorrow. Focusing on renewable energy and infrastructure, I wanted to...
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Artist Statement When making this piece I really wanted to show how much healthier our society could be if we all committed to doing what is best for everyone, and...