Take 50% off everything for the holidays! Welcome to a carefully curated selection of feminist socks and variety packs, activist poster books, thousands of fine art posters available framed or unframed, fun colorful buttons and many other unique outspoken gifts you can't find anywhere else. Every purchase supports important social causes and independent artists.
$ 9.99
Artist Statement I wanted to use the octopus tentacles as a pattern. — Roberto Lanznaster
$ 3.99
Artist Statement This was very challenging. The Dorea´s images are so iconic that is difficult to not use them as an inspiration. I want to reinterpret one of Dorea´s illustrations,...
$ 9.99
Artist Statement 'I am Oz, the Great and Terrible,' spoke the Beast, in a voice that was one great roar. Who are you, and why do you seek me?' L....
$ 9.99
Artist Statement My version of the cover for Jack London's Call of the Wild was meant to be a basic feel of cold, mountains, and screams or howls if you...
$ 9.99
Artist Statement I am a proud voter and all it takes is a few minutes of my time. With my vote, I can affect change in my own community and...
$ 9.99
Artist Statement EVERYONE needs to vote! It's absolutely necessary to guarantee our government is a reflection of its people. EVERYONE needs to vote! It's absolutely necessary to guarantee our government...
$ 9.99
Yosemite National Park Coaster is designed by Alyssa Winans and made by Giftstone, with sales proudly supporting NPCA.
$ 3.99
Pride and Prejudice is an 1813 romantic novel of manners written by Jane Austen.
$ 9.99
Artist Statement Anne Elliott is young and people tries to persuade her about a good marriage. She doesn''t give attention to them. She lost her mother and is just concerned...
$ 9.99
“I think... if it is true that there are as many minds as there are heads, then there are as many kinds of love as there are hearts.” ― Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina
$ 9.99
Artist Statement I live in Montana and spent 3 summers working in Yellowstone while I was in college. I have a lot of great memories and continue make trips with...
$ 9.99
Artist Statement Denali National Park and Preserve is one of those wild places that seems untouched by time. Grizzly and black bears, wolves, caribou, moose and Dall's sheep still roam...
$ 9.99
Artist Statement Amazing colored lines of nature. -Mayanglambam Dinesh Singh
$ 3.99
Artist Statement "When I was a kid we would grab our poles and ride our bikes to the creek. All day long it was like Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer....
$ 7.50 $ 14.99
Feel fierce in pink and purple Pussy Cat Power feminist socks! Best fit women's sizes 8-12.
$ 1.25 $ 4.99
Artist Statement I believe all voices should be heard. By voting we are participating in our government that is the voice of the people. It's the most important thing we...
$ 1.25 $ 4.99
Artist Statement Simply put, this unlawfully appointed and treasonous administration threatens the rights and lives of women all over the world. The mothers, daughters, sisters, wives and women all across...
$ 1.25 $ 4.99
Artist Statement PEOPLE POWER. A smiling face showing that you can be fighter but also a lover. Fight the crisis believing in the future and always with a positive vibe....
$ 1.25 $ 4.99
Artist Statement A call to action to everyone for essential rights for essential workers.
$ 1.25 $ 4.99
Artist Statement A simple mask design calling everyone to action to help the workers affected by the pandemic crisis. - Roberlan Borges
$ 1.25 $ 4.99
Artist Statement If you're pro-health then you're antimonopoly. It's a simple as that! - Holly Savas
$ 1.25 $ 4.99
Artist Statement To fight for equality means you have to value the lives of the people first. We are living in a kleptocracy where our government and corporations care more...
$ 1.25 $ 4.99
Artist Statement Kindness is now needed more than ever. There's economic inequalities all around us and I believe the action of kindness can help ease it – whether it's buying...
$ 1.25 $ 4.99
Artist Statement Face masks are the norm in these scary and uncertain times of the pandemic. Masks are essential to protect ourselves and others, especially those on the front lines...
$ 1.25 $ 4.99
Artist Statement I believe it's important for everyone to vote and be heard so that the real issues are being addressed and implemented into law. It's easy to feel disconnected...
$ 1.25 $ 4.99
Artist Statement It's 2020. We all need to realize that workers are in and monopolies are out! - Holly Savas
$ 1.25 $ 4.99
Artist Statement Fact: If we wear masks we can cut spread by up to 75%. Please be compassionate and respectful towards others. Wearing a mask means that you love and...
$ 1.25 $ 4.99
Artist Statement The personhood of those lost is largely ignored by our government and in most media coverage of the disease. Despite a staggering death toll, many are quick to...
$ 1.25 $ 4.99
Artist Statement While social distance is paramount to fighting the virus, we stand together to demand more from this country. We deserve fair wages, affordable healthcare, and basic human rights....