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Artist StatementOur votes effect more than we can imagine. Lets join together in voting to protect all of Earth's living creatures! — Austin Schlichtman
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Artist StatementNothing more exciting than seeing animals in their natural habitat. This guys was in the tundra in Rocky Mountain National Park. — Joel Hauschild
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Artist StatementA message with no gray. — Lexi Paparo
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Based in central Illinois, Greg provides graphics and illustrations of all kinds to agencies, corporations, and publishers across the U.S. Farley, his Jack Russell, would greatly appreciate extra biscuits as a...
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Artist StatementTo do nothing about the growing threat on the environment could prove to be the greatest failure of our time!!! NOW is the time to rise your voice and...
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Ecuadorian Poster Artist born in Ibarra city. The main focus of his work is the Concept, the same one that determines the aesthetics of each proposal, where the technique empowers...
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Artist StatementBe bold, take a stand, Vote the Envrionment. — Sheriann Ki Sun Burnham
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Artist StatementWe are killing everything in the ocean. Let's give everything a fighting chance. Change... — Aaron Usiskin
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Artist StatementThe background texture of this poster was created with a photograph of a butterfly wing. It represents my view that we, as humans, create a ripple (or butterfly) effect...
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Artist StatementA campaign tree calling us to vote! — Ioannis Fetanis
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Artist StatementI wanted to show the Earth from the view of space, because the truth is no matter how far we travel, and how far we come technologically we only...
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Artist StatementThis is a picture of a rainbow trout from the Gallatin River in Montana. The colorless background is really meant to emphasize the natural beauty in these fish. —...
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Artist StatementChange is in our hands, we are responsible for the deterioration of our Mother Earth and we have the opportunity to try to recover the nature,let our hands be...
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Artist StatementOne vote may not seem significant, but it ultimately can lead to the synthesis of change. By voting with the environment in mind, we can inspire change to preserve...
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Artist StatementPeople can vote to repair the atmosphere of protection. Black sharpie drawing on paper. — James Dupree
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Artist StatementA loose interpretation of the iconic Bigfoot pose in the colors of Old Glory. — Scott Petrisko
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Artist StatementEVERYONE, across the spectrum needs to "come out" and vote — dwight wanhala
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Artist StatementTo vote the environment is to consider the contexts of place and time. This abstract graphic suggests the multiple contexts of place in which each person, vote, and decision...
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Artist StatementI like to use elements of collage and drawing that are embedded in layers of varnish, obscuring lines and shapes that tell a story of their past. — Kevin...
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Artist StatementThe dandelion of this picture represents the plants and animals on the ground, and the seed of this dandelion represents the votes from people.the tree and the birds represent...
$ 24.99
Artist Statementleopards are graceful, powerful animals that are endangered, blending in with their environment. i wanted to highlight the beauty of nature's camouflage. — misia
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Each poster is hand-printed and handled, to make sure that only the highest quality is offered and sent out. The matte paper and high quality of inks make for a...
$ 24.99
Artist StatementHand done lettering and illustration create an organic aesthetic that compliments the environmental theme of this campaign. — Gavin
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Artist StatementHelp protect the bastion of America- the majestic Bald Eagle- through voting for environmental initiatives in the upcoming election season and beyond! — Kelsey Grousbeck
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Artist StatementVision, courage, strength, for environmental salvation ... proudly vote the environment! — Alicia Carman
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Artist StatementVote for Environment. Sleek sexy and simple. PLANET EARTH! Illustrator CS6 — Jay Morales
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Artist StatementThe importance of protecting the environment is illustrated in "Earth Collage". I used watercolors to capture the beauty of the earth and it's landscape. Cut-out letters signify the power...
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Artist StatementHow can one stop and smell the flowers if there are none left to smell? — Una Gil
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Christopher Scott is an internationally recognized social awareness poster designer. Currently he is a Professor of Graphic Design at the Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador. Vote the Environment In the Midterm Elections. We face...
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Artist StatementMy Image depicts water dripping from earth into a ballot box, this portrays the idea that you should vote for things that benefit the environment. — Louisa Edwards
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Artist Statement"Set up is everything." - Will Stevens, co-owner of Golden Russet Farm Let's set ourselves up for another thousand years of green living. Let's Vote the Environment. (Photograph: Organic...
$ 24.99
Each poster is hand-printed and handled, to make sure that only the highest quality is offered and sent out. The matte paper and high quality of inks make for a...
$ 24.99
Artist StatementWe have to vote and save the environment because it is our life, our future our kids. — metallus
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Artist StatementProtect and Preserving the Environment putting on the keychain on trip lock symbolize of Patagonia outdoor activities. — Dacia Hirsch
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Artist StatementSimple graphic Illustration using Type and Icon. Always better to use your manners when asking people to do something too. — Matt Dampney
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Artist StatementFish represent us. Although physically different we are all spiritually the same. We are human. We live in the same environment. — Kenton Hoppas