$ 29.99
Artist Statement(self-explanatory -- please do not format) — Robert Wallman
$ 29.99
Artist StatementWhere there's wool, they're away. — Robert Wallman
$ 29.99
Artist StatementFogg Alert — Robert Wallman
$ 29.99
Artist StatementLet he who is without Finn . . . — Robert Wallman
$ 29.99
Artist StatementMinimalistic book cover for Jules Verne classic "20,000 Leagues Under The Sea". Originally created for a pitch to a local book buyer for the Spokane County Library District. —...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementI wanted to focus on the title of the book more, so the title is front and center on the cover. The wolf is in front of the St....
$ 29.99
Artist StatementAnne of Green Gables was one of my favorite childhood books which is why I decided that I wanted the opportunity to recover the book. I chose go in...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementTypographic cover with bold, vibrant colors. In contrast with the theme of the book — Roberlan Paresqui
$ 29.99
Artist StatementI am still working on reading the book (it has been on my list for years), but I have tried my hand at researching it. I decided to keep...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementA minimalist approach to a story full of love and drama — Roberlan Paresqui
$ 29.99
Artist StatementTrying to add a bit of surrealism to this classic book. — Roberlan Paresqui
$ 29.99
Artist StatementA very simple depiction of human duality. Not quite good and evil, the expressions are more about doubt, each side aware of the other. It's very clean so rotated...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementCan one really capture the concept of being falsely imprisoned and forgotten about? — Justin Morales
$ 29.99
Artist StatementThe protagonist of Stephen Crane's The Red Badge of Courage was a young Union soldier during the US Civil War. Instead of relying heavily on an image of a...
$ 29.99
Artist Statementthe most intense part of the book was Catherine's ghost at the window; illustrator and photoshop with a portrait i did of my mother at age 21; love the...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementThis design was made mainly in Adobe Illustrator, with some elements made first in Photoshop. I focussed on the image of a match, being an important detail in the...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementUndergrounded for life. — Robert Wallman
$ 29.99
Artist StatementBecause, because, because, because, because... — Robert Wallman
$ 29.99
Artist StatementSee you last Wednesday. — Robert Wallman
$ 29.99
Artist Statement100% organic. — Robert Wallman
$ 29.99
Artist StatementWrite between the buttons. — Robert Wallman
$ 29.99
Artist StatementInspired by Douglass’s determination to learn to read and write at whatever cost or trouble. Alphabet font is based on Douglass’s own script. — Robert Wallman
$ 29.99
Artist StatementInspired by this quote from the book, 'My day has been too long.' — Robert Wallman
$ 29.99
Artist StatementNow you read it, now you don't. — Robert Wallman
$ 29.99
Artist StatementKing of Fools — Robert Wallman
$ 29.99
Artist StatementMy cover was made mainly in Adobe Illustrator, with some elements painted in Photoshop first, before being vectorised. I wanted to include as many bits of the story as...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementThe most frightening image from this book, to me, was the idea of Dorian's portrait, covered, slowly gathering dust in his spare room. I wanted my cover to portray...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementCover of the Grimm's Fairy Tales with Photoshop CS6. I made it because I was inspired by a modern take on the classic fairy tales. — Ana Filomeno
$ 29.99
Artist Statementpeter pan with tinkerbell; digital, illustrator and photoshop; wanted a simple, easily recognizable portrayal — MARGO ALEXANDER
$ 29.99
Artist StatementI wanted to do something simple and modern at the same time — Kassandra Black
$ 29.99
Artist StatementThis is my version of a cover for The Three Musketeers, by Alexandre Dumas. I wanted to reimagine it as a modern cover that would be in fantasy art...
$ 29.99
Artist StatementWuthering Heights is a power book. I wanted to convey that with this cover redesign. I re-imagined Cathy's ghostly hands making an appearance at the beginning of the book....
$ 29.99
Artist StatementThis is my favourite book of all time. I depicted Mr. Rochester and his dog, Pilot on the cover gazing at Thornfield Hall. — Meredith Watson
$ 29.99
Artist StatementFig-geddaboudit. — Robert Wallman
$ 29.99
Artist StatementYou make me feel like a natural selection. — Robert Wallman
$ 29.99
Artist StatementTwist and Spout. — Robert Wallman