It’s now been a week since our launch of Recovering the Classics, and it’s been nothing but great news and collaboration. Many thanks to the following publications for helping us launch with so much positive support!
Fast Company Design: "Crowdsourcing Spiffy New Book Covers For 50 Literary Masterpieces"
The New York Observer’s Betabeat: "Recovering the Classics Launches to Give Public Domain Books Decent Covers, at Long Last"
Publishers Weekly: "Plympton Gives Classic Lit A Facelift Through New Promotion"
The Huffington Post: "Classic Book Covers Reinvented"
TODAY.Com: "Judge By Their Covers: Classic Book Designs Reimagined"
GOOD: "Why We’re Crowdsourcing Art For Classic Book Covers"
PaidContent: "Liked Jane Eyre, hated the cover? Now designers can sell classic books with new jackets"
Print Magazine: "Weekend Heller"
WBUR: "Classic Book Covers Reimagined"
Publishing Perspectives: "Recovering the Classics: DailyLit Gives a Facelift to Public Domain Titles"
Upstart Biz Journal: "Slideshow: Crowdsourcing the classics: Iconic book covers re-imagined"
Wwwhat’s New: "Renewing Classic Covers with Recovering The Classics"
Operagasm: "O’s Book Club!"
Apartment Therapy: "Classic Books Get Crowdsourced Cover Art"
Skullastic: "Recovering the Classics"
Brainstorm9: "Recovering the Classics: Ajude a recriar capas de livros clássicos" "Una iniciativa para rediseñar las portadas de los clásicos de la literatura"